
No.1National Highway of the Republic of Congo
  Time:2012-04-23  Clicks:   
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The No.1 National Highway of the Republic of Congo runs from Pointe—Noire, the second biggest city, till Brazzville, the capital of the Republic of Congo. SIYUAN, as a subcontractor, ( under the contractor China State Construction Engineering Corporation) undertakes the survey and design works for the second-phase project of the National Highway No.1 from Mindouli to Brazaville. This section is 215km long in total, and is design in accordance with French standard or partially with Euro code. It’s the first highway design project in Africa carried out by SIYUAN.

In April, 2010, the first survey & design team set out for the Republic of Congo far away in Africa.

In April, 2010, the first survey & design team set out for the Republic of Congo far away in Africa.

On September 1, 2010, the design work of APS stage begins.

On March, 30, 2010, after the basic completion of the survey and design works for the whole section, SIYUAN survey & design team leaves Congo for China from Brazzaville airport, marking the initial success for the No.1 Highway project in Congo.

At 6:30 pm, April 29, 2011, the Chinese embassy to Congo (Brazzaville) held an award party themed as “work together to promote friendship”. The chief engineer and person in charge of the Highway project in the Republic of Congo from SIYUAN, Zhao Heng, was acknowledged by the Chinese embassy to the Republic of Congo as excellent staff for the cooperation project between China and the Republic of Congo.

At 10:08 am, August 16, 2011, the ground breaking ceremony was held as scheduled for the 3-2 bid section of second phase project for the National No.1 Highway of the Republic of Congo. The bid section, with its survey and design undertaken by CRCC-SIYUAN and construction by China Construction Road Bridge Company, is the first bid section to break ground for construction commencement between Mindouli- Brazzaville, marking

Engineering Survey

Engineering Survey

Engineering Survey

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