As recently being recognised by the State Administration for
Industry and Commerce (SAIC), SIYUAN becomes the first company to receive the
title of “Famous Trademark of China” within the national railway profession.
With the continuous growth and development of the company, “SIYUAN” as a brand has also increased in its famousness and society reputation. In 2002, “SIYAUN” was officially registered as a trademark, and has been identified as a famous brand in Hubei Province in 2012.
At the start of the year 2014, after the creation of a thorough scheme, SIYUAN put forward the plan of applying for “Famous Trademark of China”.
The key requirements for the identification of famous trademark include the extent to which the trademark is known to the public, trademark promotion and management, and market share of the trademark etc. According to the needs of work, Famous Trademark Application Work Team in charged by SIYUAN leaders was formed from the Intellectual Property Department, Legal Affair Department, Technology Centre, Business Planning Department, Finance Department, Publicity and Publicity Department. The work team had clear division of responsibilities and worked in conjunction with external trademark agency to evaluate and determine both the application schemes and materials.
The winning of the first “Famous Trademark of China” not only adequately reflects the good reputation and brand image of SIYUAN, but is also the result of SIYUAN’s years of efforts in innovation and development, promoting brand construction, and the continuously improvement in both product quality and provided service level.